Diolite Treatments
Diolite can treat visible red facial vessels, and remove skin tags and cherry angiomas. Brown sun damage or age spots can be lightened, and sometimes removed.
Usually these are found on the nose, cheeks, and chin, but also can be found anywhere on the face. Lighter skin types are more prone to these. Environmental factors (sun damage, trauma, rosacea, alcohol) and genetics play a part in whether a person gets these or not. The Diolite laser can make a dramatic and instantaneous improvement by closing these vessels, causing them to vanish. Sometimes multiple treatments are needed to get optimal results. Foto Facial (Intense Pulse Light) treatments can be a better option, especially if the vessels are microfine and extremely numerous. Sometimes a combination of I.P.L. and Diolite will give the best results.
Vessels on the nose have a tendency to reopen after time, and may require maintenance treatments. Vessels on the rest of the face tend to stay away better. Avoiding sun exposure, wind burn, and excessive alcohol use will lessen the need for follow-up treatment.
The use of aspirin, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleeve, etc.) and coumadin can cause, or increase the number of visible red facial vessels. If you need to take these medications on an ongoing basis, Diolite treatments are helpful in "erasing" the vessels that appear, but there is a greater likelihood that maintenance treatments will be needed to sustain the results achieved. Microdermabrasion treatments can also cause these tiny red vessels to appear, but they usually respond to Diolite treatment.
Diolite treatment has no impact on blue facial vessels, but is highly effective on red vessels.
Liver Spots: These have nothing to do with the liver, but they are the result of old sun damage. If you lived your entire life in a cave, you would not get these. They are areas where the melanocytes are over active. Sun exposure makes them even darker, but they can be present even when you are not tanned.
There are a number of treatment options for these. Sometimes the Diolite laser is appropriate. Diolite tends to work best on darker spots. Lighter spots may be better treated with I.P.L. (Foto Facial), Fraxel laser, or topicals, including Retin-A, 4% hydroquinone preparations, glycolic acid peels, etc. There are a number of factors to consider in choosing the best treatment for the problem you want to address, with cost, recovery time, and expected results being a few of the most important.
Skin Tags appear in various shapes and sizes, from domes to fingerlike appendages. They may be pigmented or skin tone. Often, their growth is the skin's response to irritation, like the friction of clothing or jewelry moving over the skin. That is why they are common on the neck, underarms, under the bra line, and in the groin area.
When they appear on the face, depending on the location, they can constitute a desirable beauty mark. When a patient does not perceive the presence of a skin tag as desirable, Diolite laser treatment can be a very affordable option for removal or improvement in the appearance of a tag. If the tag is large, multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the best possible result.
Cherry Angiomas are benign, bright red spots on the skin, caused by the presence of surface capillaries. They are common in some families, and tend to increase in size and number with age. Diolite laser treatment works extremely well on these, although larger ones may require more than one treatment.
Recovery Time
Diolite treatment disrupts the skin, and there is healing time involved. For minor treatments, impact on the skin may be negligible. More extensive treatments will result in crusting or scabbing, exactly the size and shape of the vessel or tag or spot treated. Healing time ranges from 1-2 days up to many months, before the process is complete.
As with any laser treatment, results are not guaranteed or entirely predictable. The goal is to improve the appearance of the skin, and this is usually the result. However, there is always the chance that the area treated will look worse than it did before treatment, even after healing is complete. Your expectations and the likely, but not guaranteed, outcome will be discussed before any treatment is done.
Persons with darker skin are probably not good candidates for Diolite laser treatment. A Diolite treatment is more likely to result in a hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation event, or in a raised scar (keloid). Undesirable results can also occur in fair skinned patients, but it is far less common.
Cindy Dumon, RN will not treat any area which is suspicious in nature. You will need to have your dermatologist's blessing for the removal of any moles, or laser removal of hair from a mole.